Youth & Family Services, Inc. (YFS) provides person-centered counseling and mentoring for children ages 3 through 21. Counseling focuses on individual and family strengths to address life, changes and circumstances. Our primary areas of focus are trauma, attachment, crisis intervention, social skills, positive peer relationships, and family relationships. YFS clinical services are provided at no cost to clients.

Youth Counseling Services

Individual Counseling
Addresses personal concerns to improve mental and emotional wellbeing.

Family Counseling
Addresses family concerns to improve mental and emotional wellbeing and improve family functioning

Outreach Counseling
Supports youth who may not have access to in-office sessions.

Drug and Alcohol Education
Curriculum based education focusing on addressing the whole cycle of substance dependency and the elements needed to create change

First-Time Offender Program
A curriculum based program for youth and their parent/guardian to develop skills needed for better communication, anger management and conflict resolution